Maintaining a clean office environment is more than just about aesthetics; it plays a crucial role in shaping client perceptions and business outcomes. For businesses in Reno and Sparks, a spotless office can set the stage for positive client interactions, enhance productivity, and promote overall well-being. This article delves into the various ways a clean office impacts client impressions and provides actionable insights for maintaining an impeccable workspace.

First Impressions Matter with Office Cleaning in Reno-Sparks

When clients walk into your office, the first thing they notice is the cleanliness of the space. A well-maintained, clutter-free office conveys professionalism, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality. These attributes are essential for building trust and confidence in your business. Clients are more likely to have a positive perception of your services if they see that you take care of your environment. This positive first impression can set the tone for all future interactions and can be a deciding factor in whether a client chooses to do business with you.

Office professionally cleaned

Client Comfort and Satisfaction Through Office Cleaning in Reno-Sparks

A clean office environment is inviting and comfortable, making clients feel at ease. This comfort can lead to more productive and longer meetings, fostering better client relationships. When clients feel welcomed and valued in a clean space, they are more likely to return and recommend your services to others. This increased satisfaction and loyalty can have a significant impact on your business’s success. Investing in professional office cleaning services in Reno, Sparks, Carson City, and Fernley can ensure that your office remains a pleasant place for clients to visit.

Health and Safety

A clean office is not just about appearances; it is also about health and safety. Regular cleaning reduces the spread of germs and allergens, creating a healthier environment for both clients and employees. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas where many people come into contact with various surfaces. By maintaining a clean office, you can help prevent illnesses, reduce absenteeism, and create a more pleasant atmosphere for everyone. Ensuring a healthy environment shows that you care about the well-being of your clients and staff, which can enhance your business’s reputation.

Janitor cleaning an office

Enhanced Professional Image

Consistently maintaining a clean office enhances your professional image. It shows that you take pride in your workspace and are serious about your business. A clean office can differentiate you from competitors who may not place as much emphasis on cleanliness. This professional image can attract more clients and create a lasting impression that sets your business apart. Regular cleaning services from a reputable company like Reno Sparks Janitorial, serving Reno, Sparks, Carson City, and Fernley, can help you maintain this high standard.

Creating a Lasting Impression Through Office Cleaning Reno-Sparks

The cleanliness of your office is a key factor in influencing client perceptions and business outcomes. By maintaining a clean and healthy environment, you can make a strong first impression, enhance client comfort and satisfaction, promote health and safety, and boost your professional image. Recognize the importance of a clean office and take proactive steps to improve your environment. Contact Reno Sparks Janitorial for a consultation or quote on commercial office cleaning services to ensure your office remains in top condition. Implement or enhance your cleaning routines using the tips provided in this article, and share this knowledge with colleagues or on social media to spread awareness about the impact of office cleanliness. For businesses in Reno-Sparks, Carson City & even Fernley, partnering with a professional cleaning service like Reno Sparks Janitorial can help you achieve these goals and more.

Are you looking for ways to take part in Earth Day 2022? With this year’s theme in mind, “Invest In Our Planet”, many businesses are wondering how they can invest in helping the environment while also investing in their own company. The answer may be simpler than you might think with green cleaning services for your business. This way, your company building stays clean and you can feel good about the products and methods used to do so—allowing you to invest in the planet and in your business. 

green cleaning

What is Earth Day? 

Earth Day is an internationally recognized environmental movement that is actually considered the most observed secularity in the world. The movement originated in the United States in 1970 and has been adopted by over a billion people across the globe. Not only has Earth Day spread awareness to environmental concerns worldwide but it’s also initiated several long-lasting policies, like the Clean Air Act. Organizations have also been formed to take effective action in improving our impact on the environment. 

What are Green Cleaning Products and Services?

Green cleaning is the process of using environmentally safe and non toxic cleaning solutions and methods. This is done not just for the health of the environment, but also for the health of you, your clients, and anyone else coming into your building. The main goal is to limit exposure to harmful chemicals that may cause severe damage to the ecosystem and our bodies. 

Green Cleaning Products 

Green cleaning products are typically made using biodegradable or recyclable packaging and organic or sustainable materials and ingredients. Some products will be labeled as Fair Trade items which means they’ve met certain environmental and labor standards. Green cleaning products typically contain:

When it comes to choosing the best green cleaning products to use, we consider various factors such as the product’s safety rating, its list of ingredients, and how well they clean. Green cleaning products receive safety ratings to determine just how friendly they are. The EPA applies ratings to products based on how they affect the environment and human health. Typically, a quality green cleaning product will have a rating of a “B” or higher. 

Green Cleaning Services

Green cleaning services use the safest and healthiest cleaning methods to ensure minimal impact on the environment. Professional janitorial companies often offer Green Cleaning Services to their commercial clients. The only difference with these services is that they utilize green cleaning products and implement the best conservation practices possible such as limiting waste.  

Benefits of Green Cleaning Services

Green cleaning services come with a wide variety of benefits for you, your business, and the Earth, including: 

Reno Cleaning Services

Green Cleaning with Reno-Sparks Janitorial 

If living green is important to you or your business has a Green Building Certification, we can use biodegradable environmentally friendly products when providing our janitorial services. Contact us today to set up routine Green Cleaning Services in honor of this year’s Earth Day!

Spring is in the air and there’s never been a better time to refresh and fix up your commercial building after a long Northern Nevada winter. Our team provides another set of eyes to your cleaning requests, ensure they are handled and take quick action to deliver the best cleaning service in the Greater Washoe County region. 

Reno Sparks Janitorial encourages you to schedule biannual cleaning services once the weather starts to get warmer. Having a clean workplace has been proven to increase productivity and boost morale for workers, so take the time to spruce up the space and welcome everyone back to a sparkling clean space. It’s also a known stress reducer because the area is free from pesky germs and allergens.Two people in cleaning uniforms pushing mops over a hardwood floor. 

What Can I Do To Prevent Messes and Clutter In The Workplace?

After a big snow storm, it’s a challenge not to track in mud once it all starts to melt. Even just a simple fix of adding doormats inside and outside, or if your workplace is pet friendly, giving your pups a proper wipedown before they come inside makes a big difference.

Our Reno carpet cleaning services uses methods like steam extraction, bonnet carpet cleaning, and minimum moisture. No job is too big or too small for our commercial deep cleaning services! Our crews are experienced and can help you schedule your high quality carpet or floor cleanings. 

Reno janitorial services

Reno Sparks Janitorial is your top company when it comes to commercial property cleanings. We even make sure to take care of window services for the rainy season to prevent streaks, mold and mildew or leaks. 

With the unpredictable weather, sand and dust in the Washoe Valley, spring is the perfect time to have your business’s windows washed. Our team can make sure to clean some of the most overlooked areas, like behind copy machines or refrigerators, baseboards and ceiling vents. We tailor our commercial janitorial deep cleaning services to meet your needs. Our 30-day flexible contracts give you peace of mind when adjusting your schedules. 

A janitor pushing a cleaning cart through a space with big windows.

Schedule Commercial Building Cleaning Services Today

When you work with Reno Sparks Janitorial, you can rest assured you’re being taken care of. Whether it’s general spring cleanings as a service on top of routine maintenance, or a larger project like ceiling cleanings, just trust our team to get the job done. Connect with us here to get a quote for our commercial deep cleaning services!

If you’re searching for reliable, quality janitorial services for your business, you want to make sure the commercial cleaning company you hire can accomplish all of your cleaning goals. A concierge-style janitorial service ensures that all of your cleaning needs are met to your highest satisfaction. Leave the cleanliness of your building in the capable hands of a commercial cleaning company that puts your needs first, no matter what they may be, so you can focus on other business objectives. 

Commercial janitorial services have a wide range of benefits for you and your business. Learn more with Reno Sparks Janitorial below. 

janitorial cleaning service

What is a concierge-type commercial janitorial service?

Most janitorial companies provide a range of cleaning services to commercial properties, but they aren’t always inclusive. Much of the time, a commercial cleaning company will only list some of the services you’re in need of and exclude others, leaving you to seek additional services elsewhere. For example, most commercial cleaning companies offer floor cleaning and window washing, but what if you also need your dishes cleaned and the trash regularly taken out?

A concierge-type cleaning service utilizes the highest standards of hospitality and personal service to provide you with all of your commercial cleaning demands. While your cleaning company may not always be able to provide every cleaning service you need, working with a concierge-style janitorial company ensures you receive all the services you require one way or another.

Why work with a concierge-style janitorial company?

A concierge-style business that offers commercial janitorial services provides a holistic approach to all of your cleaning needs. While we may not offer every cleaning service you’re looking for, we can connect you with the appropriate channels or organizations to accommodate your needs. Concierge janitorial services can offer you convenience, time and quality that other cleaning companies simply cannot. 

commercial cleaning business


Most business owners are quite busy with the daily operations of their company that they don’t have the availability to handle every detail of running their business, such as cleaning. However, maintaining a clean work environment and business is important, so why not let your cleaning service help you find a solution? A commercial janitorial service like Reno Sparks Janitorial offers its own variety of cleaning services and has connections with other businesses to provide assistance with whatever else you may need, with little to no disruption to you. 


Another asset business owners and businesses in general lack is time. A concierge-type janitorial service can help free up time for you and your employees to tend to other pressing tasks. We’ll provide you with all of the resources you need to ensure your commercial building or office space is well-maintained even in the midst of all the other things that need to be done each day.

Quality Service 

You’ll receive a higher quality of service when working with a concierge-style cleaning company because the research of finding the best company for the job has already been completed. You can trust that you’re getting the best service from other organizations because they were recommended to you by professionals in the industry. If anyone knows which company is the best to work with, it’s someone who is already familiar with the industry and has experience working with other organizations.  

commercial office cleaning

Commercial Cleaning Services from Reno Sparks Janitorial 

Our concierge-type commercial janitorial service may cost a bit more than your average cleaning service, but the value is far greater than you would receive anywhere else. The higher pricing ensures that your business receives the highest quality service possible. Although we may not have the lowest prices in town because we pay our staff above the industry average, the results outweigh the costs. 

The end result is fewer headaches for our customers, more consistent service and less turnover in the janitorial crews cleaning your buildings. See how working with a commercial janitorial service can help your business succeed today!

Making a good first impression is crucial to your business’ success. While people tend to emphasize the impression our behavior leaves on others, clients and guests normally interact with their surroundings first. That makes the appearance of your facility number one in attracting long-term clients. Having a good commercial janitorial service is more important than some may think.

Reno Sparks Janitorial Services

Reno Sparks Janitorial Services is the best commercial office cleaning service offered in Northern Nevada's Reno, Sparks and Washoe Valley communities. We prioritize our customers first because no two businesses are alike. Our goal is to make your experience easy and enjoyable. If you are dissatisfied with your current commercial janitorial cleaning services, visit us online and see what sets us apart from the competition.

Reno janitorial services

Experiences That Provoke You To Switch Janitorial Services

Overflowing Garbages

There are many consequences of overflowing garbage bins. Besides the fact that it is unsightly, overflowing garbage bins lower air quality and attract unwanted visitors. If that's not enough, you may find yourself paying unwanted fines because your business fails to meet city regulations.

Missed Visits

You can immediately tell if the commercial building cleaning service you contracted missed a visit. If you’ve experienced this, you know the trouble that comes with scrambling to get your office ready for the day. The extra work you have to take on eats into free time that you could be spending on improving your business. In addition, your messy office may upset employees and lead to a decrease in performance.

Inconsistent Results

Inconsistent results are a huge red flag. You should expect the same attention to detail anytime your janitorial service visits. No one should have to question what their business is going to look like after a commercial cleaning service comes in. Inconsistent results can leave you feeling distressed and lead you to find another service provider. Ultimately, tarnishing relationships with visitors, employees and your current commercial office cleaning service, and challenging your business’ growth and success.

Lack of Communication

Contact with your commercial janitorial cleaning service provider is one of the most important aspects of building a good, long-lasting relationship. Lack of communication hurts everyone on your team because you aren’t given a chance to clear up misunderstandings. Ultimately, good communication with your commercial janitorial company helps solve many of the unwanted issues or concerns that could come up.

professional commercial cleaning

Your Solution For A Better Cleaning Service

There are many reasons you might choose to contact other commercial cleaning building services. Here at Reno Sparks Janitorial Service, we believe open lines of communication are essential to prevent these issues. In addition, our experienced crews love what they're doing and offer flexible hours to meet all your needs. Find out more about the variety of services we offer.

Why We Are the Best Commercial Janitorial Cleaning Service

We tailor our commercial janitorial services to meet your needs. Our 30-day flexible contracts give you peace of mind when adjusting your commercial cleaning services to fit your business needs. Our team doesn't worry about being replaced because we believe in providing good service and quality customer service. The results you receive give us no reason to lock you into a long-term contract.

Furthermore, we perform routine inspections to make sure all jobs done by our team are problem-free. No job is too big or too small. Contact us today and let us show you the quality and expertise our team has to offer your commercial business.


Welcome to the Reno-Sparks Janitorial blog! Here you’ll find tips for commercial cleaning, round-ups of the best cleaning products, and more about Reno cleaning and janitorial services. As a locally-owned and operated small business in Reno-Sparks, we strive to help other businesses realize the importance of keeping a clean workspace and helping them achieve high levels of cleanliness in their own space.

Owner of RSJ, Nick Cresci, was born into a family-owned janitorial company which his father founded. Nick learned all that he knows from his father who set the bar for quality commercial janitorial service and ensured the high standards of RSJ. The experts at Reno-Sparks Janitorial have over 20 years of building management and janitorial experience, giving them the upper hand in Reno commercial cleaning services. Learn more about commercial janitorial services in Reno from RSJ below!

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What We Do Best

Rather than branding ourselves as a simple janitorial company, we pride ourselves on becoming a vital part of our clients building maintenance team. That means providing more than just cleaning services. We offer unique solutions to our clients that meet their specific janitorial and building maintenance needs. Reno-Sparks Janitorial provides all of these commercial cleaning services to several industries and spaces including:

● Offices
● Office Warehouses
● Industrial
● Large Apartments
● Condo Associations
● Medical Facilities
● Grocery Stores
● Airports
● Churches
● Hotels
● Casinos
● Schools
● Event Clean-Up

janitorial services reno
For these industries and spaces, we offer a full range of services including:

● Tile, wood, and concrete floor care using professional, safe floor cleaning products.
● Carpet cleaning via steam extraction, bonnet carpet cleaning and minimum moisture carpet cleaning methods.
● Corrugated metal cleaning ranging from soft-wash techniques to high-intensity pressure washing.
● Window washing that will elevate the appearance of your business.
● Ceiling cleaning that will help extend the life of your ceiling, and remove the need for recoating or replacement.
● Food prep area cleaning to help cut back on time and the workload of your kitchen staff.
● Green cleaning system which involves the use of biodegradable and environmentally-friendly ingredients and products.

The Reno-Sparks Janitorial Difference

We understand that your business is unique, and because of that, you require unique cleaning and building management solutions. We promise to meet your needs and exceed your expectations with our commercial janitorial solutions by providing the most efficient, reliable, and experienced service possible. We’ll work with you to customize your bid ensuring all your general and specific cleaning needs are met with each service.

Along with our dedication to reliable, efficient service, we also prioritize keeping an open line of communication with each of our clients. This assures our clients that we’re there for them whenever they need it and ensures any problems or issues are addressed as soon as possible for the best customer satisfaction.

janitorial cleaning supplies cart

The Importance of Keeping a Clean Workspace

A clean work environment is important for several aspects of your business. Not only does a clean workspace help retain employees and keep them happy and healthy, but it also leaves a lasting good impression on your clients and customers as well.

Maintaining a clean and clutter-free workspace allows your employees to work more productively and efficiently. Ensuring germs, dust, and other allergens are kept at bay will also help retain employees and may cut back on employee call-outs. It’s been proven that employees are more likely to leave a job that does not provide adequate cleaning. Cleanliness is not only a preference but also an issue of safety and health. Keeping a clean office will also help keep your company staffed by happy and healthy employees.

Likewise, a clean workspace looks good to your clients and potential clients. Having noticeable dirt and clutter build-up can give off the impression that your business is unprofessional and uncleanly, which will likely deter clients from using your services. However, your business should be maintained and kept in tip-top shape at all times not only for aesthetic purposes. A clean work environment can also prevent illness from spreading from person to person, which during these times is extremely crucial.

Why Hire RSJ as Your Reno Commercial Janitorial Service Company

At Reno-Sparks Janitorial, we prioritize our customers first. We understand that they rely on our expertise and skills to keep their facilities clean, attract clients, win first impressions, and guarantee health and safety for their employees. We are dedicated to being the best place in Reno, Sparks, and Carson City for commercial cleaning services by making your experience with us easy and enjoyable! We see ourselves as an extension of your business, and it shows in the quality of our cleaning services.

Connect with us today to schedule your next cleaning service with the best Reno commercial janitorial company!

