The acoustic tile recoating system is a scientifically formulated coating that actually restores acoustical tiles to their original function and beauty.
Replacing tiles will not eliminate the problem, discolored grids, and t-bars still need to be dealt with. Replacement costs would be considerably greater, when you consider the cost of tile and include disposal (landfill) cost! Compared to replacement, recoating will be a substantial budget stretching decision!
Painting results in tiles being stuck to t-bars and frequently causes tiles to bow or warp with changes in temperature or humidity. Dirt on painted surfaces will bleed through and yellow the paint. There is a low volume of fallout from overspray.
Not only is the odor of paint objectionable, but the acoustical properties of tiles are more likely to be damaged by paint. Painted ceilings often can’t be cleaned. All of these things contribute to easing business disruptions.